Jeason Brown

My welding journey began when I broke the frame on my dad’s 4-wheeler and decided to buy a MIG gun to fix it myself. From that moment on, I fell in love with welding. Coming from a trades background, thanks to my dad, I always knew I’d find my place in the industry, and welding was my way to branch out and carve my own path.

I have years of experience working on structural jobs, erecting buildings and welding I-beams. I also spent time welding mine ventilation equipment, giving me a diverse range of skills in the field.

When I’m not welding, I enjoy hunting, playing hockey, and camping.

What I love most about teaching at Western Welding Academy is the connections I build with the students. It’s incredibly rewarding to watch them go from frustration to that “A-Ha” moment when everything clicks.

Western Welding Academy is unique because it’s built by real-life welders who have become teachers, ensuring that students get a true-to-life experience of what the field is like. It’s not about just making teachers weld; it’s about welders teaching and passing on real-world knowledge.